Social Responsibility

SRA Detergentes is a company concerned with the Community where it operates and the Environment and assumes its responsibility towards both.

In our community we actively participate and promote the sport through:

  • supporting Carregado Amateur Cycling Group,
  • supporting the Carregado Hockey Team,
  • supporting Alenquer Sports Association,
  • participating in the RGR tournament and having a company karting team!
Equipa Hoquei Carregado
Equipa Amadora de Ciclismo Carregado

Environmental Responsibility

The Environmental Certification is a major objective to be achieved by SRA Detergentes, we have already set goals such as: storage and connections for detergents in stainless steel, retention basins and sealed floor at the production unit.

In SRA Detergentes we know the disadvantages of Polyethylene Packaging so about 70% of the products we produce are in PET packaging.
This is an innovative material with increasingly worldwide use, with the main advantages of being biodegradable and more economic.